Click the icon for information on Meal Magic Setup to pay for lunches

Cafe Menus

We would love you to volunteer! If you have completed your PGC and have been BCI background checked. Please let me know!

If you have any questions or concerns please call 614-866-6050 x228

Thank you to all our volunteers!

School Wellness Policy

Welcome Back 2024-2025!

The SPX School Nutrition Team has been working hard to prepare for the upcoming school year. We appreciate your continued support of our meal program, and we’re happy to share some of the exciting changes that we have in store for the 2024-2025 school year!
We will run three, four-week, seasonal cycle menus for the upcoming school year. Fall (Aug-Nov), Winter (Dec-Feb), and Spring (March-May) with the occasional special/holiday meal added in.
We will be implementing scratch cooking into our weekly menus, along with daily fresh fruit and vegetable options. The first Friday of each month will be “Birthday Treat” days. All students who purchase a school lunch will receive a freshly baked whole grain cookie in celebration of our students who have a birthday that month! In addition to the daily hot meal, all students will now have the daily option of an alternate lunch which will consist of: peanut butter and grape jelly sandwich on whole wheat bread (to minimize the risk of any potential cross contamination we will follow the recommendation of the USDA, and use individually sealed PB&J Uncrustables in our lunch program), whole grain Goldfish crackers, low-fat string cheese, vegetable of the day, fruit of the day, and milk. Plans for a salad bar are on hold for now, but this is still something we plan to implement in the very near future.
A la Carte will be available for purchase for students in grades 1st - 8th. Items available will include: fruit snacks, chips, cookies, Uncrustables, yogurt, whole and cupped fruit, and bottled water. All A la Carte items meet the current Smart Snack guidelines set forth by the USDA. Students will also be able to purchase extras of our daily main entree. Please note that A la Carte items are not permitted to be charged.
Meal prices:
Students: $3.75
Adults: $5.00
Milk .50
A la Carte .50 - 2.50
We will be using Meal Magic for our lunch payment system this year. Activation information will be forthcoming over the next few days. Funds may be added to your student(s) account via Meal Magic, or by sending in cash or check. Checks should be made out to St. Pius Cafeteria. Please make note of student(s) first name, last name, and grade on all lunch payments sent in. Please note that we are a cashless program. You may send cash in for your student(s) lunch, but we will not be able to make change. Any change due will be placed on your student(s) meal account as a credit.
As a reminder, we are a participating school in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP). The NSLP is a federally assisted meal program that provides nutritionally balanced, low-cost or free lunches to millions of children each day as well as allowing access to programs that make it possible for us to provide more FRESH fruits and vegetables for your children. To participate, school lunches must meet certain federal nutrition guidelines. This means schools must follow a precise set of menu guidelines for their meals including increasing the availability of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat milk as well as reduce the amount of sodium, and saturated fat within meals. Under USDA guidelines a complete lunch consists of Protein (meat/meat alternative), Grain (at least 80% whole grains), Fruit, Vegetable, and Milk. Students are encouraged to take ALL five components of a complete lunch, but they MUST take at least three components with at least one of those being a fruit or vegetable. When students eat a healthy lunch, they are more likely to have the energy and focus they need to succeed in the classroom. A nutritious meal gives students the fuel their bodies need to grow and learn. It also helps them to maintain a healthy weight, which can boost self-esteem and confidence. Free and Reduced lunch Applications may be found in Meal Magic and may be completed at any time throughout the school year. We encourage all families to apply, even if you don’t think you’d be eligible. This allows us to maximize all the resources available to us to continue to provide your children with a healthy school lunch.
We rely on parent volunteers to help our program run smoothly and we still need volunteers for the upcoming school year. Volunteer hours are 10:30 – 1:00.  Please email 
jschorr@spxelementary.com if you’re able to help. To volunteer in any capacity at St. Pius X School, Diocesan policy requires verified attendance at a Protecting God’s Children session and a cleared BCI background report. A second Diocesan policy requires families to agree to abide by the Volunteer code of Conduct, which is stated in our family handbook. Please consider volunteering!
The SPX school nutrition team is committed to providing delicious, balanced meals, while striving for continuous improvement. We provide space for all students to gather, learn, and dine, while encouraging appreciation for healthy choices. Please reach out with any questions or concerns. We look forward to another great year!


Jennifer Schorr

School Nutrition Manager

St. Pius X Elementary School

614-866-6059 x228


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